Thursday, February 28, 2013

Syarief: All statements Anas Lies and Slander

Syarief: All statements Anas Lies and Slander

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Members of the Democratic Advisory Council, Syarief Hasan claimed to follow the action openly former Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum on television. Syarief confirms all the statements expressed Anas is a lie and slander.

Syarief said Anas allegations to the Secretary General of Democratic Party Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono in case Hambalang is a lie. "All his statements are simply lies and slander," said he to, Jakarta, Thursday (28/02/2013).

Furthermore, Syarief who is also Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs confirms the Democrats will not be held hostage by the desire to earn Anas bargaining (bargaining position). Thus, let Syarief Anas open the next page.

"Please, because so far in the Democratic Party is no secret so we do not worry about the term" open aperture ". Yeah but should the evidence.'s Not just a rumor," he stated.

Syarief asserted, step bargaining position desired by the term Anas will open the pages, not the Democratic Party will be pursued. Therefore, the Democratic Party will not be daunted.

House Speaker 'grumble' Same Translators

House Speaker 'grumble' Same Translators

 TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - House Speaker Marzuki Alie 'grumble' due to error translators mistranslated what dipidatokan as a speaker at the event Discussions Ethnic Conflict, Religion and Separatism in the float chamber, library UI, Depok, on Thursday (28 / 2/2013).

In a ceremony attended by the embassy of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Pakistan, Marzuki delivered a speech in the Indonesian language and then translated into English by a translater.

Interestingly, in the middle of his speech, protesting Marzuki translate speech translator assigned by mistake during translate. The long-haired female interpreter and even then only be stunned when reprimanded Marzuki.

"You can not translate it?," He rebuked the translater were mistranslated.

The committee was readily immediately change translater who protested Marzuki. Murmur of the chair was heard followed by group discussion unpreparedness to the translator. "We are sorry the translation was not quite right," he added.

Benedict XVI: I'm Back for the Praying Church

Benedict XVI: I'm Back for the Praying Church

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday (27/02/2013) deliver 'farewell speech' in front of tens of thousands of people, who were present in St. Peter's Square.
Vatican Radio also broadcast 'farewell speech' Pope Benedict XVI. Aloisius Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI names, greeting pilgrims from Rome at 07.00 am meet Via della Conciliazione, long road stretches from St. Peter's Square to the River Tiber.
To, Pastor Mark SVD of Rome express, such as St. Peter's Square flooded by a sea of ​​people. Pilgrims waving banners with the words of all sorts, such as 'Grazie Santo Padre' (Thank you Holy Father), 'Arrivederci' (See you again), or 'Perga per noi' (pray for us).
The pilgrims were incessantly chanted 'Benedetto', the name of the Pope in Italian. Sometimes also heard cries of 'Viva il Papa', and followed by a thrilling mixed choir morning mood.
According to Pastor Mark, promptly at 10:35 am in Rome, car Papa drove slowly into St. Peter's Square from the right side of the Basilica.
Behind him sat a personal secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, the pope ordained archbishop on January 6, 2013, and concurrently Head of Household (Prefettura) Pope.
When looking at Papa Car, stronger and crowded masses chanting, as he clapped.
After passing a few blocks to greet crowds and accompanied by military music of his native region, Bavaria, Germany, the Pope rose to the throne, a white chair that has been familiar with since the last eight years.
As usual, before sitting down, the Pope spread his hands toward the crowd, as if to embrace them one by one.
"Eight years ago, when it was clear that I am elected to the papacy, the dominant question in my mind is, Lord, what do you want from me? Why did you choose me? I know that ever since I was carrying a heavy burden on the shoulders, "said Pope.
Eight years ago, he added, were the years of beautiful and meaningful, but also a challenging period. Thus, like the church of the apostles ark bobbing on Lake Gennesaret.
"The storm and crashing waves caused fear and panic, and God slept in the stern. But thanks, God did not leave the ark, as God's ark," said Pope.
Hearing that, the crowd applauded while chanting the name of the Pope. Benedict realized that during the service period, God is always close to his people, and the bestower of all that is necessary to the progress of the Church.
The Pope also expressed his gratitude to the workers in the Vatican, and all the people were scattered around the world. During his tenure, he deeply felt the support and closeness of Catholics wide, though many of them have never met her in person.
Ahead of his speech, which lasted about 20 minutes, the Pope take courage and faith Catholics worldwide.
"I went. It was a decision that I took voluntarily. But you have to keep the faith chirpy. I went not for personal business. I'm going to dedicate themselves to prayer for our beloved church. God calls us into a community of faith, will remain with us, fills our hearts with hope, and illuminate us with His love without limits, "he said with a trembling voice.
The Pope also expressed his gratitude to all the people and citizens of the world, who have been supporting his mission assignment in prayer and their presence.
"The pope belongs to everyone, and so many people feel very close. I received a letter from the world's biggest luminaries, from heads of state, religious leaders, representatives from the world of culture and so on. I also received many letters from ordinary people who write to me from their hearts, "he said.
After the last speech, the audience was already membeludak until the end of the Via della Conciliazione stood up, gave a long applause.
Waving flags and banners seem more calm sad omen. The Pope stood up, waving to the audience. A strong momentum that could reap tears.
The ceremony continued with the delivery of separate greetings and thanks from the audience, represented by the English, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and Arabic.
At the end of the audience, the Pope and the audience sang together the Our Father in Latin. Then, he closed with a final blessing as pope.
He abdicated. Walking toward Papa Car, take a seat. Papa Car drops slowly from the courtyard of the Basilica towards the audience. Throne, white chairs, stayed empty.
Pope moves out, accompanied by a long applause, calling his name and tear while still loose.
At the Papa Car, he continues to spread his hands, as if to take away about 200 thousand audience with him.
Embrace arm certainly too short for the amount of this magnitude, especially for Catholics worldwide. However, the prayer of the Mount Mons Vaticanus, he and all Catholics in the five continents will remain united. Thank you Holy Father Bekediktus XVI. (*)

Micro Continent Found in Underwater Ancient India

Micro Continent Found in Underwater Ancient India

Oleh Charles Q. Choi, Kontributor OurAmazingPlanet |

Sisa-sisa benua mikro, yang disebut ilmuwan sebagai Mauritia, kemungkinan bersembunyi di bawah sejumlah besar lava kuno di bawah Samudera Hindia, demikian hasil analisis baru di pulau berpasir di area tersebut.

Temuan ini mengisyaratkan bahwa gejala seperti benua mikro tersebut terjadi lebih sering daripada yang diperkirakan sebelumnya, kata para ilmuwan yang melakukan penelitian; rincian mengenai penelitiannya dimuat secara online pada 24 Februari di jurnal “Nature Geosience”.

Para peneliti menganalisis pasir dari pulau Mauritius di bagian barat Samudera Hindia. Mauritius adalah bagian rantai gunung berapi yang, anehnya, berada jauh dari tepi lempeng tektoniknya. Sebaliknya, kebanyakan gunung berapi ditemukan di lempengan tektonik yang membentuk permukaan bumi.

Para peneliti berpendapat bahwa rantai vulkanik yang berada di tengah lempeng tektonik, seperti kepulauan Hawaii, disebabkan oleh pilar raksasa batuan cair panas yang dikenal sebagai lapisan magma (mantle plume). Lapisan tersebut naik dari dekat inti bumi, menembus material atasnya seperti obor las.

Lapisan magma ternyata dapat memicu terpisahnya sebuah benua, melunakkan lempeng tektonik dari bawah hingga lapisannya patah. Sebuah magma saat ini berada di dekat Mauritius dan pulau-pulau lainnya, dan para peneliti ingin melihat apakah mereka bisa menemukan fragmen kuno benua dari patahan yang ada.

Menggali di dalam pasir
Pasir pantai Mauritius adalah sisa-sisa erosi batuan vulkanik yang diciptakan oleh letusan 9 juta tahun lalu. Mengumpulkan pasir tersebut “sebenarnya cukup menyenangkan’” kata peneliti Ebbe Hartz, seorang ahli geologi di University of Oslo di Norwegia. Dia menggambarkan berjalan keluar dari sebuah pantai tropis, “mungkin dengan Coca Cola dan sekotak es batu, dan Anda menggali di bawah air ke dalam bukit pasir saat air surut.”

Dalam pasir ini, para peneliti menemukan sekitar 20 bulir zircon kuno (sejenis mineral) berusia antara 660 juta dan 1.970 juta tahun. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai sumber zircon kuno tersebut, para ilmuwan menyelidiki peta satelit dari medan magnet bumi. Kekuatan medan lapangan tergantung dari massa bumi, dan karena massa planet tidak merata, gravitasi di lahan tersebut lebih kuat di beberapa tempat di permukaan planet dan lemah di daerah lainnya.

Penemuan Mauritus yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti merupakan bagian blok berdekatan dari kerak tebal abnormal yang memanjang di busur utara ke kepulauan Seychelles. Temuan menunjukkan Mauritius dan wilayah yang berdekatan menimpa benua mikro kuno yang mereka sebut Mauritia. Zircon kuno yang mereka gali merupakan pecahan Mauritia yang hilang.

Para peneliti berusaha cermat untuk menyingkirkan setiap kesempatan bagi bulir-bulir zircon kuno terkontaminasi dari tempat lain.

Zircon merupakan mineral berat, dan unsur-unsur uranium dan timah yang digunakan untuk menentukan usia zircon tersebut luar biasa berat, sehingga bulir-bulir tersebut tidak mudah terbang ke mana pun — mereka tidak berhembus ke Mauritius dari badai pasir di Afrika.” Kata Hartz kepada OurAmazingPlanet.

Kami juga memilih pantai yang tidak terdapat konstruksi apa pun — agar zircon tidak datang dari semen di tempat lain,” tambah Hartz. “Kami juga berhati-hati bahwa semua peralatan yang kami gunakan untuk mengumpulkan mineral adalah alat-alat baru, ini adalah pertama kalinya peralatan tersebut digunakan, dan tidak ada batu yang menempel dari tempat lain sebelumnya.

Mengupas potongan benua
Setelah menganalisa zona patahan laut dan anomali magnetik samudera, para peneliti berpendapat bahwa Maurita terpisah dari Madagaskar, terpecah dan tersebar seiring meluasnya basin Laut India antara 61 juta hingga 83,5 juta tahun yang lalu. Sejak itu, aktivitas gunung berapi telah mengubur Mauritia di bawah lava, dan mungkin telah melakukan hal yang sama terhadap fragmen benua lainnya.

“Semua irisan kecil benua itu kemungkinan terkelupas dari benua (utama) ketika titik panas dari lapisan magma melintas di bawahnya,” kata Hartz. “Mengapa hal tersebut terjadi masih membingungkan. Mengapa, setelah sesuatu pecah terpisah, benda tersebut akan terkoyak lagi?”

Penemuan bukti masa lalu tentang benua yang hilang biasanya melibatkan penghancuran dan penyortiran batuan vulkanik, Hartz menjelaskan. Pada dasarnya para peneliti membiarkan alam melakukan pekerjaan penumbukan untuk mereka dengan melihat pasir yang ada.

“Kami menyarankan kepada para ilmuwan untuk mencoba teknik ini pada gunung berapi favoritnya,” tutup Hartz.

Two senior politicians feel kinship with Anas

Two senior politicians feel kinship with Anas

MERDEKA.COM. Anas Urbaningrum has publicly acknowledged political network that is built wide and tight. That is why, a lot of figures, the majority of former HMI activist Anas that come to the house, after the determination of the suspect by the KPK.
Among the guests, there are two senior politicians who claim similar fate Anas. Both are AM Fatwa and Akbar.
History proves, despite never caught a legal case, Fatwa and Akbar could rise again in his political career. It's also what they told Anas. In fact, do not hesitate to give Fatwa Anas sangu important is a book about the experience Cipinang prison.
Fatwa rate, Anas fate similar to his story first. He called Anas has been victimization by his own party.
"It's a fact that, a Champions deposed ruling party. Wahh do not have to explain this again, I think," he said after meeting with Anas in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/2).
Fatwa said they discussed many things, one of them about the political situation in the Republic of Indonesia starting to look healthy again. According to the current political situation is not much different from the current political situation in the New Order era.
"So we talked it easy, now the face of the political year. I am still active in politics today, as a member of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD). While Mas Anas can not be active anymore due to the condition of the suspect. I've had in a long time during the New Order My victimization, it seems now the turn, "said AM Fatwa.
Once inside the prison, Fatwa's career as a politician re-awakened in the National Mandate Party. He had occupied the position of vice chairman of the House of Representatives, the House Speaker Akbar Tanjung era. Now, who was arrested for Fatwa Tanjung Priok was then a member of the Council.
Just as Fatwa, Akbar also gave encouragement Anas sentences.
"In life you killed once to die, but in politics killed a few times would be able to bounce back. I had never experienced that and I can now return to consideration of the Golkar Party chairman," Akbar said in East Jakarta, Saturday (23/2) .
Akbar said that about six years ago, people thought he was gone. "There's even my colleagues said that I would kill you politically or politically dead., And indeed when I die politically because of Golkar in Bali. But Alhamdulillah I popped into consideration the board so that the meaning in my politics emerged again, so the same thing could have happened to the brother Anas, "said Akbar.
The question, Anas fate would be the same as the second senior later, returned victorious after sunk by case law? Time will tell.Sources:

This Steak Made from Human Stools

This Steak Made from Human Stools

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     Steak is made ​​from manure ManusiaLihat Photo

     This Steak Made from Human Stools

TEMPO.CO, Tokyo - nonsense creations people make food. This time the unique food coming from Japan that makes steak with raw sewage.

Human feces steak recipe made ​​by Japanese researchers, Mitsuyuki Ikeda. At the beginning of production, Ikeda thinking about how to treat sewage so numerous that. After conducting laboratory research, he found a high protein content in the dirt, in addition to the bacteria, of course. "But a lot of people would be reluctant to eat it," said Ikeda as reported by Mother Nature Network.

Meat made ​​of feces that he first endapkan. Ikeda also give liquid enhancer. Meat batter was half-finished, and then he put it in the tool exploder. The device serves to process the meat batter dirt before it can be eaten.

To make the color red like beef in general, Ikeda adding liquid dye. It also provides protein from soybeans. As a result, it will berkomposisi steak meat: 63 percent protein, 25 percent carbohydrates, 9 percent minerals, and 3 percent lipids. "It is said that the steak tastes like beef," wrote Mother Nature Network.

Professor Douglas Powell, of the Food Security at Kansas State University, said there was nothing wrong with the food. "Ideas like that are not too different from eating plants fertilized," said Powell.

Russian Ambassador Attends Launch of Sukhoi at Halim

Russian Ambassador Attends Launch of Sukhoi at Halim

 TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mikhail Y. Galuzin, this afternoon is scheduled to attend the launch of the Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100) at Halim Perdanakusuma airport by PT Sky Aviation. "Yes, will present," said the Russian Embassy Press Attache to Indonesia, Dmitry Solodov, through short message to Tempo, Thursday, February 28, 2013.
Management believes Sky Aviation Sukhoi reliability. In addition to technological reasons the aircraft that have been monitored since two years ago, the cost of rent pesawa got into the business scheme Sky Aviation. "Compared to its competitors, Sukhoi prices more reasonable," said Managing Director of Sky Aviation Krisman Tarigan.
Sky rent them with the cost of each U.S. $ 250 thousand to $ 300 thousand. Management has compared the Sukhoi with similar types of manufactured Embraer and Bombardier. Embraer is a Brazilian-made aircraft, while Bombardier from Canada.
National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) in December last officially announced the results of the accident investigation Sukhoi RRJ-95B aircraft with registration number was 97 004. Fateful plane crash on Mount Salak, West Java, the last in May 2012. "The investigation team concluded that there are several factors that contribute," said Chairman of the NTSC, Tatang Kurniadi.
The first factor was the flight crew was not aware of the condition of the track through the mountains. The second factor is the lack of control systems in Jakarta that the data do not include minimum height of flight. The third factor is that there are distractions that distract pilots.
Now the government has issued a certificate to Sukhoi SSJ-100. The Ministry of Transportation says it has issued a certificate for Sukhoi aircraft. "It's type certificate for the brand RRJ Superjet-100 type 95B was published in November," said Head of Public Communication Ministry of Transportation, Bambang S. Ervan.
He explained that the Ministry of check directly to the Sukhoi factory in Russia. Some of the procedures performed include inspection procedures for the manufacture of aircraft, equipment specifications, engineering, and maintenance stages. "Including the flight test," he said.
Bambang said the Ministry of Transportation implement those procedures in Russia starting July. He added that the issuance of the certificate was not affected by the outcome of the investigation process as well as NTSC.